Armagnac Hontambère 2013 Folle Blanche (49,8%, OB 2???, cask #A24)
Armagnac Hontambère 2011 Baco (57,2%, OB 2???, cask #TC9)
Armagnac Pouchégu 41 yo 1982 Ugni Blanc (52,7%, Hontambère ‘Rare Collection’ 2???, cask #F2)
Armagnac Laballe 1991 (45,2%, Journal des Kirsch 2023, Edition 4, 136 btl.)
Armagnac Aurian 45 yo 1977 (45,2%, Decadent Drinks 2024, 156 btl.)
Armagnac Aurian 40 yo 1983 (48,6%, Maltbarn 2023, Bonbonne #1)
Armagnac Castarède 36 yo 1986 (53,4%, Grape of the Art 2024, 246 btl.)
Armagnac Hontambère 39 yo 1983 (54,2%, Grape of the Art 2024, 249 btl.)
Armagnac 48 yo 1974 (51,2%, Liquid Treasures ‘Session No.1’ 2023, puncheon cask #16)
Armagnac Hontambère 33 yo 1989 (55,9%, Grape of the Art & Swell de Spirits 2023, cask #A5, 250 btl.)
Armagnac Danis 33 yo 1988 (47,6%, Grape of the Art 2023, cask #34, 387 btl.)
Armagnac Hontambère 36 yo 1985 (56,6%, Grape of the Art 2022, cask #H6, 350 btl.)
Armagnac Duporté 18 yo 2004 (47,5%, Darroze for Kirsch Import 2022, 320 btl.)
Armagnac Aurian 1984 (53,7%, OB for Rum & Co, Bonbonne #15, 70 btl.)
Bas-Armagnac Mestépès 30 yo 1990 (58,2%, Swell de Spirits ‘Flashback #5’ 2022, 200 btl.)