Scotland’s hundred finest malts vatted blended together, that’s Chivas Century of Malts. It was released in 1995 by Chivas but I believe several editions exist, some at 40% and others at 43%. The composition contains some of the rarest malts like Craigduff / Glenisla (peated Glen Keith). A little booklet describes all of the 100 distilleries.
Chivas Century of Malts
(43%, OB 1995)
Nose: sweet and biscuity. Citrus. Honey. Vanilla. Hints of nougat and cake. Disappointingly similar to regular (cheaper) blends.
Mouth: sweet and biscuity again with big vanilla. White grapes. Orange cake. Then it moves to heather, with very soft hints of peat and a nice toffee coating.
Finish: sweet, showing subtle spices and faint hints of smoke. Quite lovely with nice roasted nuts and moccha.
It may sound crazy to blend 100 malts, you’d never be able to detect them all. It’s true that the result lacks some uniqueness, but it shows decent depth and it’s not a bad vatting. Still available from retailers like The Whisky Exchange.
Score: 80/100