Mo Òr is a whisky collection of single casks bottlings released by The Whisky Talker, a Dutch company focusing on whisky investments with its World Whisky Index and other projects.
Mo Òr means “My Gold” in Gaelic and the goal behind the collection is to include at least one cask of every distillery found in Scotland. The current batch (launched in 2011) contains 53 releases spanning different years and regions. There’s a Bowmore 1968, a Kinclaith 1969 (both well over € 1000) but quite some accessible bottles as well, e.g. a Highland Park 1996 or Arran 1996 (both around € 70).
There’s a choice of 50 cl. bottles as well as selections of 25 ml miniatures in nice wooden boxes. The collection seems to be aimed at collectors and high-end hotels and restaurants. The packaging, the website, in fact the whole brand oozes a certain quality which is reflected in the pricing. You will certainly find cheaper alternatives for some of the younger releases in the range, but the strength is really in the whole range including some hard-to-find distilleries and vintages.
Mo Òr is a focused and well executed concept. In the next few days and weeks we’ll review a couple of their bottlings:
- Bowmore 1996
- Ledaig 1994
- Macallan 1991
- Tamdhu 1987
- Aultmore 1982